We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
- Sir Winston Churchill
I am a regular blood donor. I call the laboratory three months after my last extraction to ask if they need my blood. Not just because I am an AB+ (few people are if my type so if someone needs it, it’s quite hard to find) but I know very few people have the courage to being punctured and have blood drawn from them. Not to mention that still very few people are qualified to make a donation for health reasons. Besides it is medically good for the health.
I am glad I am still fit to give blood and I am more than happy to being sure that my blood will really save life, well, at least literally.
As I have reflected on the line from Sir Winston Churchill, I realize that we can give not only blood or other material thing. We can also give encouragement to people whom we don’t know are suffering inside. A smile maybe, a text message saying hello, or just a simple “Hi!” will surely make a difference.
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